Weekly Workout Log


Tuesday- Ran for 1 hour, 3.75 miles, 657 calories






Monday, May 4, 2009

Long ride

I spent 35 minutes on the stationary bike today. Did 9 miles, and burned 200 calories. I was a little sore when I got off the bike, well okay, it hurt to walk. But after a little stretch I was fine.

The ride today made me pretty happy, because, if I'm not mistaken, 9 miles is getting pretty close to sprint triathlon distance. I've always been pretty good on the bike, strong legs I guess. This is not to say that I'm anywhere near ready to do any events or anything. But it definitely feels pretty good that I can actually get some distance in at least one area.

I've done pretty good for the last week training. Hopefully I can keep it going. The swimming pool in my apartments opens at the end of the month. I can't wait to get in the pool. A big reason why I bought the training book that I got was because it has pretty thorough section about swimming. There are some pretty interesting tidbits in there, and I'm very anxious to try them out.

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