Weekly Workout Log


Tuesday- Ran for 1 hour, 3.75 miles, 657 calories






Monday, July 20, 2009

recap + weigh-in 7-18

Okay, its been a busy weekend.

Saturday was the day we celebrated my girlfriends birthday. Went and bought her some clothes, then took her to dinner, and spent several hours in an arcade. What do we have to show for it, you may be asking? A giant tennis ball, a fiberoptic lamp thingy, a deck of round playing cards, and a couple of rubber things that pop up into the air, not to mention a nice big dent in my bank account, lol. Didn't get a workout in, but it was a fun day.

Sunday was my girlfriends actual birthday, but we both had work. I had a super busy day. Didn't get my couple hours of extra sleep that I normally do, so I was tired right off the bat. Don't really feel like going into details of my shitty job, but suffice to say, I worked my ass off nonstop for like 9 hours. By the time I got home I was exhausted and lacked both the energy and the motivation to workout. Although, with a little extra cash I ate dinner at Old Chicago, it was really good, They have an absolutely ridiculous variety of beer there, haha well over 100 kinds.

So anyways, I didnt manage a workout over the last two days, whch leaves me 5 days to kick some serious ass and try to keep Jack from catching me for at least another week. Hopefully I can break 230 before he catches me, that would be nice,

235 lbs-- down .4 lbs

I guess I cant really complain about a .4 loss in a really short week, so I'll take it. Also, I decided I"m going to stop paying attention to body fat percentage, at least until I get down to a point where its a relavent point. It just seems to be flucuating randomly without bearing as to my change in weight. As I think I've mentioned before on here, the method that scales use to measure body fat is not very accurate to begin with. So, I think I'll just ignore it until I hit a weight loss goal or two, or three, haha then it might actual reflect change.

Gotta snap myself out of it and get in a hard workout today. Gotta do it, gotta do it. I'll post it later.

1 comment:

  1. I went 45 minutes on the bike at the gym already and am playing basketball tonight. If you don't want me to catch you, I'd suggest you shift it into another gear.
