Weekly Workout Log


Tuesday- Ran for 1 hour, 3.75 miles, 657 calories






Saturday, October 3, 2009

Tits, Tats, and Tots

Taking the advice of my greatest blogging helper the lady CM, I figure I'll figure out a way to use tits is every title, just as long as I can come up with creative ways to do it.

Just making sure, it appears that the wonderful Jack Sh*t has accepted my challenge???

Yesterday I was surfing on the internetz, and being inspired by news that Rio will be hosting the 2016 Olympics, found myself closely examining the USA Triathlon website. See, I figure that of all the Olympic sports, I can actually do the triathlon. I'm about a foot too short for basketball, no where near fast enough for track, don't have the coordination for gymnastics, and I'm not even close to being skilled enough of the water to compete against junior high swimmers. But the way I see it, if I bust my ass and completely dedicate myself, I can do the triathlon. I'll admitedly probably never get close to being in the Olympics, but in all honesty thats not the goal, its just a cool thing to day dream about. Oh and also, the IronMan thing is completely intriguing, I'd love to be able to do that.

I guess that gives me some extra goals, on top of beating Jack to 200 in the race of the century.


  1. The lady cm nods gracefully and takes full credit for all the tits. A triathalon as a goal is an awesome idea. running more than ten minutes scares the bejeezus out of me, so more power to you. I do love cycling though...it's a long lost love and one I hope to get back to someday...and I am pretty sure Jack's suggestion that you eat his dust was indeed indication of acceptance of the throw down....ITS ON BABEEEEE....
    Keep up the good work.

  2. You keep playing with your tit titles and I'll continue doing what I do, which is smoking that scale. I'll send you a post card from Onderland...
