Weekly Workout Log


Tuesday- Ran for 1 hour, 3.75 miles, 657 calories






Saturday, April 11, 2009

Workout Saturday April 11

Another hard cardio workout.

Treadmill: 15 minutes, 1.10 miles, 153 calories

I 've improved on my mile the last two times I've done it. 17 minutes the first time, 15 minutes second time, and 13:30 this time. So, I'm pretty happy about that.

Stationary Bike: 15minutes, 4ish miles, 100 calories

Went up to level 6 today, was doing level 5 before. It was pretty hard, my legs were really sore for a while afterwords.

Total: 30 minutes, 5+ miles, 253 calories.

Up by about 20 or 25 calories from last workout. Lets see how my legs feel in the morning.

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