Weekly Workout Log


Tuesday- Ran for 1 hour, 3.75 miles, 657 calories






Thursday, November 26, 2009

Doin the Turkey Trot

Happy Thanksgiving to all of my truly awesome blogging counterparts.

I hope you all had an awesome day with family and friends, with all the turkey related trappings as well, unless of course you're abstaining from that for weight loss, or other reasons.

I for one enjoyed me a good turkey leg.

As a nice little side note on this particular T-day, I saw on the news that some military folks stationed in Kabul Afghanistan participated in their very own Turkey Trot, you know that awesome little Thanksgiving day 5k or similar fun run type event. I thought that was pretty danged awesome.

One of these days I'm gonna have to do my own Trot, it would be really fun.

Add that to my mental list of events or athletic type things I want to do. That list includes a variety of things like: Turkey Trot, Twilight Parade run (whatever the name of the run that happens before the Rose Festival Twilight Parde, here in Portland), Portland Marathon, a major marathon, Kona Iron Man, back flip, vertical push-up. Theres probably more on there than that, but the trick of a mental list is that some times I forget some of it. Maybe I oughta think about writing that down somewhere.


  1. Glad to hear you had a some turkey, I did too, love Turkey Day!
    I am doing my first Half Marathon Dec. 6th here in Las Vegas.
    Is the Portland Marathon in Oregon or Maine?

    Any support is appreciated!

  2. Vertical push up? What in the hell is a vertical pushup...
    sounds painful...
    Hope you had a great thanksgiving bud.
    Oh, and I went to the gym today and did one hour of cardio then 110 sit ups per my trainers instructions.
